Aware that everything must be done so that future generations have the chance to experience the same expeditions that we offer today, we, Exploris, under the French flag, claim a balanced vision of the company between performance, individual fulfillment and respect for the blue planet and the beings that inhabit it.
With our passengers, we share exceptional experiences that engage us to take action and contribute to sustainable tourism.
Exploris is a work in progress until 2023, but since our beginnings, sustainability issues have been a part of our DNA. We are committed to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to joining programmes aimed at guiding our actions towards greater social responsibility.
This will allow us to offer unforgettable but also responsible journeys to our passengers, from our very first expeditions.
Exploris is first and foremost a way of discovering – or rediscovering – planet Earth’s natural wonders. The wide expanse of the oceans we cross during our expeditions, the beauty of the landscapes, the unforgettable fauna and flora, everything that makes our adventures exceptional, deserve to be preserved. We are therefore committed to protecting this fragile ecosystem by doing everything we can to minimise our environmental impact, and by contributing to the preservation of these wonders.
As a member of IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators) and of AECO (The Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators), we are committed to preserving the beauty of Mother Nature and are taking concrete steps to protect the planet.
Exploris is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, limiting the use of plastics, and supporting projects that advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
Find out more about our environmental commitments:
• Our aim, in line with the framework defined by the IMO's International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), is to limit our greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible. We achieve this by reducing our consumption when possible; encouraging eco-piloting practices during our expeditions.
• In some polar areas, the use of heavy fuel oil is prohibited, as its viscosity makes it much more polluting than conventional fuel oil. In an effort to limit our environmental impact, we prohibit the use of this fuel everywhere, not only in polar regions.
• As a company well aware of the issues concerning global warming, we are committed to reducing our GHG emissions as much as possible, and will therefore carry out a carbon assessment taking into account our direct and indirect emissions after our first year in operation. Our aim is to define a reduction and compensation strategy in line with the Paris Agreement.
• We are committed to working with our partners and drawing on the best practice and the latest technology to eco-design our future vessels. Our aim is to offer expeditions with minimal environmental impact.
• We are also committed to optimising our energy consumption. We are constantly improving the energy efficiency of our vessels by using new technologies and responsible driving styles (such as “slow cruising”, an overall reduction of average speed).
• On board our boats: our objective is to achieve zero single-use plastic use on board our boats. We are already working to reduce the use of single-use plastic as much as possible, and will continue to do so until it is completely eliminated.
• With our suppliers: We are already working with our suppliers (especially food and cosmetics) to gradually reduce the plastic packaging of the products offered on board.
• With our passengers and crew: during each expedition, a “Cleaning Day” will be organised to raise awareness about plastic pollution, during which passengers and crew members will help collect plastic waste in the areas we visit.
• The preservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity is very important to us: we are committed to supporting projects that protect our planet’s fauna and flora.
• We will share this essential concern with our passengers, through the immersive experience in nature of course, but also by sharing knowledge and good practices to be implemented throughout the trip to minimize our impact on the local fauna and flora. Expedition leaders and crew members will also be trained and recognized for their understanding of how to behave towards natural ecosystems.
• We will organise onboard conferences to help our passengers understand the challenges of wildlife conservation and to make them true ambassadors of the areas we visit.
Exploris is a team made up of passionate people. We are convinced that each member of staff at our headquarters, each crew member, each person we meet during our stopovers and, of course, each and every one of our passengers, plays an essential role in making our expeditions exceptional adventures.
For us, connection, collaboration, and exchange are essential principles which will enable humanity to face the great challenges of today and tomorrow.
This is why we are constantly committed to bettering working conditions for all of our teams by respecting their specific expectations and encouraging our suppliers to adhere to environmental and ethical charters so that we can build a responsible sales policy together. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the cultural identity and the history of the local populations we meet on our expeditions.
Find out more about our commitments for people:
• During our expeditions, conferences will be organised on board to help passengers gain a scientific understanding of the issues facing our planet. These will focus on the oceans, biodiversity, and the global mechanisms that govern the climate and ecosystems. Our passengers will receive scientific information before, during, and after their trip: our aim is to make them “ambassadors” for the regions they visit and for their preservation.
• Our passengers will also be encouraged to sign a charter outlining the correct behaviour to adopt in order to respect all forms of life encountered during the expeditions.
• During their trip, we will offer passengers the opportunity to reduce their water consumption and their usage of single-use items.
• All of our passengers will sign a Commitment Charter stating the correct behaviour to adopt during our visits in order to guarantee the utmost respect for the populations encountered during our trips.
• We want to build lasting and respectful relationships with the local communities of the places that we visit. In order to achieve this, welcome days on board our ships will be organized during stopovers to encourage encounters and transmission between different cultures, which have so much to learn from one another.
• In order to support the economic development of the regions we visit we will promote local and fair trade crafts by offering local products in the ship’s gift shop. We will also regularly organise exhibitions on board the ship during our stopovers.
• Finally, in partnership with NGO, training centers for careers in the hotel and maritime industry, professional internships will be offered to people who are far from employment or in precarious situations within the populations encountered, in order to open up opportunities for personal and career development.
• We are committed to listening to our employees and to establishing a climate of trust with them. A telephone line will therefore be open and available 24/7 to report any subject, any question concerning safety, well-being, the environment, the quality of life at work, and the collaboration between teams.
• All of our expedition leaders and crew members will be trained to the highest standards of expedition safety and environmental practices.
• We will listen to all of our teams to understand their specific needs and requirements, in order to best adapt work conditions, working hours, and embarkation periods as needed in order to optimize their well-being.